This blog is created in loving memory of my 2 angels Ammon Joshua Fisher and Abish Joy Fisher. This will tell you the story of their short lives here on earth and how their lives affected us in so many ways..
I am from the Philippines and I have been in the States since June 2005. I met Russ through the internet in January 2004 and we have been married since June 8, 2005. We're blessed with 4 precious kids Andrew, Ammon, Aaron, and Abish (Ammon died a few minutes after he was born in October 2007 and Abish died a few minutes after she was born in October 2010).
I've been having a hard time as Ammon's 3rd birthday/death anniversary was approaching. The thought of celebrating his birthday knowing he's not here with us is killing me. If he would have been with us I'm sure he has talked a lot now and he could have told me what kind of party he would love to have. Painful as it seems to be but I know Ammon is a very special child and he was needed up above. I'm eternally grateful to be a mother to my angel Ammon...
Other that visiting Ammon's grave, all I wanted to do was go to the temple and do a session. It was a great time to feel closer to my sweet Ammon. Happy Birthday baby boy! i wish you were here with us. I miss you and love you so much...
"Attend the temple. You will be blessed for so doing. Every man or woman who goes into the house of the Lord leaves there a better man or woman than he or she was when he or she entered the house of the Lord. The house of the Lord will have a refining effect upon you. It will cultivate unselfishness within your lives. It will build righteousness. It will impress upon you the importance of doing what you ought to do. Go to the house of the Lord" (President Hinckley, stake conference, Provo, Utah, Sept. 22, 2002).