Sunday, October 23, 2016

We kept the drive time under control today and it was a much easier day! We passed through 4 States today; Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Kentucky! First stop this morning was the Temple in Birmingham Alabama:

Announcement:  11 September 1998 
Groundbreaking and Site Dedication:  9 October 1999 by Stephen A. West
Public Open House:  19–26 August 2000 
Dedication:  3 September 2000 by Gordon B. Hinckley

Site:  5.6 acres (including adjoining meetinghouse).
Exterior Finish:  Imperial Danby White Marble quarried in Vermont.
Ordinance Rooms:  Two ordinance rooms (two-stage progressive) and two sealing.
Total Floor Area:  10,700 square feet.

Temple Locale
Located north of Birmingham in the beautiful suburb of Gardendale, the Birmingham Alabama Temple claims a tree-covered hillside just east of I-65. The grounds of the temple are handsomely landscaped, featuring numerous mature trees and shrubs. At Christmastime, Nativity-themed statues are added to the lawn and floodlighted at night.